


Eyes and No Eyes - In The Depths of the Ocean

 Eyes and No Eyes ...

Crayfish Contemplating the Division of a Dead Octopus

 Crayfish Contempl...

The Dogs Hear of the Disturbance Caused by the Cat’s Election, and They Resolve To Restore Order -Richmond Herald - Saturday 01 July 1922

 The Dogs Hear of ...

Who Laid That Egg?

 Who Laid That Egg?

Things That Go Bump in the Night

 Things That Go Bu...

Everybody Saw What Happened, Shattered Nerves, Disaster

 Everybody Saw Wha...

The Daughter! & Retribution

 The Daughter! &am...



Five Kittens

 Five Kittens

Five Champion Cats

 Five Champion Cats



Five of the Best

 Five of the Best

Caught by the Camera in Manxland

 Caught by the Cam...



No Wonder Daddy Likes His Club

 No Wonder Daddy L...

Dog Show at the Agricultural Hall

 Dog Show at the A...

The Ferry Boat

 The Ferry Boat

Sketches at Chalfont St Giles, Buckinghamshire, with Milton's Cottage

 Sketches at Chalf...

A Night Out

 A Night Out



Here's Luck - and Five-Fold Luck at That, Since Good Luck Comes from Each Black Cat

 Here's Luck ...

I am Quite Upset

 I am Quite Upset

The Bachelor Party

 The Bachelor Party

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