
You Call That a Ha’Penth of Milk

 You Call That a H...

A Persian Beauty

 A Persian Beauty



The Dear Old Thing

 The Dear Old Thing

I'm Now at the Top of the Tree!

 I'm Now at t...

The Paperboy

 The Paperboy

Oh!!! I Have No Feelings for Others

 Oh!!! I Have No F...

Just a Few Lines

 Just a Few Lines

Jump-Roping Cat

 Jump-Roping Cat

Cat with Many Faces

 Cat with Many Faces



Hurry Up With That Dinner, Please or the Mice Joint Will Run Away

 Hurry Up With Tha...

The Optimist

 The Optimist

Time for a Snooze

 Time for a Snooze



Tabby Cat Holding a Rose

 Tabby Cat Holding...

Thoughtful Orange Cat

 Thoughtful Orange...

A Curious Cat

 A Curious Cat

I'm Off To The Dentist

 I'm Off To T...

Jack’s Little ‘Mary’ Is Upset, Throw Physic to the Dogs

 Jack’s Litt...

Waiting to Pounce

 Waiting to Pounce

A Roughhaired Bassethound

 A Roughhaired Bas...

An Unhappy Bath

 An Unhappy Bath

Study of a Ginger Cat

 Study of a Ginger...

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