
Charming Chorus

 Charming Chorus



Mouse Watching

 Mouse Watching

Uninvited Guest

 Uninvited Guest



Don't Mind Me, It's Washing Day

 Don't Mind M...



The Busy Tailor

 The Busy Tailor

Musical Cat

 Musical Cat

Reclining Cat

 Reclining Cat

Cat's Head (Artwork for a J.Salmon 'Christmas Greetings' Postcard)

 Cat's Head (...

Studies of a Sleeping Tabby Cat

 Studies of a Slee...

A Cautious Glance

 A Cautious Glance

The Master Portrait Painter

 The Master Portra...



A Quick Puff

 A Quick Puff

Four Kittens in a Garden Setting

 Four Kittens in a...

Three Head Studies of Cats

 Three Head Studie...

Cat Row Boating

 Cat Row Boating

The Cat Next Door

 The Cat Next Door

The Drive

 The Drive

Holed Out

 Holed Out

The Putt

 The Putt

Flying Cats

 Flying Cats

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