


The Owls

 The Owls

Prowling on the Terrace

 Prowling on the T...

A Wet Landing

 A Wet Landing

Hey, Stop Him!

 Hey, Stop Him!

Study of a Dog

 Study of a Dog

How Octopus Fights Octopus

 How Octopus Fight...



Cat with Rabbits (Snowball)

 Cat with Rabbits ...

Look Out for Me

 Look Out for Me

The Shepherd's Sheep Dogs Look after the Orchard

 The Shepherd'...



Jack’s Little ‘Mary’ Is Upset, Throw Physic to the Dogs

 Jack’s Litt...

A Roughhaired Bassethound

 A Roughhaired Bas...

Forest Life

 Forest Life



Dolly Went Bathing & Sunk to the Bottom of the Sea

 Dolly Went Bathin...

The Magic City

 The Magic City

Enjoying the View

 Enjoying the View

Cat Among the Flowers

 Cat Among the Flo...

Lake Scenes

 Lake Scenes

Mice to be Rationed

 Mice to be Rationed

Cat in Floral Background

 Cat in Floral Bac...

The Smoking Cats

 The Smoking Cats

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