
The Dogs Hear of the Disturbance Caused by the Cat’s Election, and They Resolve To Restore Order -Richmond Herald - Saturday 01 July 1922

 The Dogs Hear of ...

Mr. Orang's Toy Shop

 Mr. Orang's ...

Things Are Looking Brighter

 Things Are Lookin...

Showing your Dog

 Showing your Dog

The St Bernard Club's Show at Knightsbridge

 The St Bernard Cl...

Southdown Fox Terrier Club Show at Brighton

 Southdown Fox Ter...

Sketches at Glastonbury, Visited by the British Association

 Sketches at Glast...

Sketches at Chalfont St Giles, Buckinghamshire, with Milton's Cottage

 Sketches at Chalf...

Performing Animals at the World's Fair, Islington

 Performing Animal...

A Vestry Meeting

 A Vestry Meeting

The Play-Time Mascot

 The Play-Time Mascot

The Lady's Mascot

 The Lady's M...

The Huntsman's Mascot

 The Huntsman'...

The Doctor's Mascot

 The Doctor's...

The Society Mascot

 The Society Mascot

The Lucky Day Mascot

 The Lucky Day Mascot

The Witty Mascot

 The Witty Mascot

The Unlucky Day Mascot

 The Unlucky Day M...

St. Bernard Dog Kennel

 St. Bernard Dog K...

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