


He is not only stout but lazy

 He is not only st...

John, the Gentleman

 John, the Gentleman

How Do You Do?

 How Do You Do?

So Shaun Started Off

 So Shaun Started Off

That Big Mouse-pie is for Christmas Time

 That Big Mouse-pi...

Jack and the Bean Stalk

 Jack and the Bean...





One Day The Rains In Torrents Fell

 One Day The Rains...

The Last Thing Every Night

 The Last Thing Ev...

Little Miss Muffett

 Little Miss Muffett

The Clown

 The Clown

The Play-Time Mascot

 The Play-Time Mascot

The Visitor's Mascot

 The Visitor'...

The Skipping Mascot

 The Skipping Mascot

The Witty Mascot

 The Witty Mascot

The Farmer's Singing Daughter

 The Farmer's...

Little Boy Blue

 Little Boy Blue

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