
The Animal! The Animal!

 The Animal! The A...

Shortears Began And Sung A Solo. Then All The Cats Joined And Sung The Chorus To Madame’s Satisfaction

 Shortears Began A...

Uncle's Party and After

 Uncle's Part...

Argumentative Cats

 Argumentative Cats

Cat and Mouse

 Cat and Mouse

Tom and Dick No. 11 - The Great Fight (Richmond Herald - Saturday 18 March 1922)

 Tom and Dick No. ...

Please Help The Dogs

 Please Help The Dogs

What is Your Foreign Policy - Pate-de-Foie-Gras

 What is Your Fore...

I Am A Joy Time Keeper

 I Am A Joy Time K...

Christmas Ball at Catville

 Christmas Ball at...

Mixed Pickles

 Mixed Pickles

Mixed Pickles

 Mixed Pickles

The Maypole

 The Maypole

Club News

 Club News

The Gathering

 The Gathering

Preliminary Sketch for Playbox Annual

 Preliminary Sketc...

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