
The Cats' Excursion

 The Cats' Ex...

The Garden Party

 The Garden Party

Their Mothers' Pride

 Their Mothers...

The Pussies' Picnic

 The Pussies'...

Hard Work

 Hard Work

On The Sands

 On The Sands

Sense and Nonsense - Sir John and Lady Dory

 Sense and Nonsens...

Down With the Muzzle

 Down With the Muzzle

Head In Air and Quite Content

 Head In Air and Q...

More Cats from Italy

 More Cats from Italy

Cats from Holland (Dutch Cats)

 Cats from Holland...

Happy, Jappy and Catty

 Happy, Jappy and ...

The School-Treat

 The School-Treat

Won't You Give me a Little of Your Milk, Pussy

 Won't You Gi...

D is for Deer

 D is for Deer

H is Hippopotamus

 H is Hippopotamus

R is for Quagga / R is for Rhino

 R is for Quagga /...

Pleasures of a Houseboat

 Pleasures of a Ho...

The The Elephant Was Offended, And Squirted A Lot Of Water Over Them, Just To Spite Them.

 The The Elephant ...

Timothy's Adventure

 Timothy's Ad...

By the Sea

 By the Sea

Poor Pouncer

 Poor Pouncer

Oh, What A Time We Are Having

 Oh, What A Time W...

Paddling in the Sea

 Paddling in the Sea

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