
Thirteen Kittens

 Thirteen Kittens

The Cats at Home

 The Cats at Home

Chess Moves

 Chess Moves

Sketches of the Cat Show at the Crystal Palace

 Sketches of the C...

The Road Crossing

 The Road Crossing

Cats Bringing in a Yule Log

 Cats Bringing in ...

The Good Puss

 The Good Puss

The First Dip

 The First Dip

Down the Street a Policeman Came

 Down the Street a...

The Portrait

 The Portrait

A Merry-Go-Round

 A Merry-Go-Round

Promenade Cats - Fancy Sketch - A Parade

 Promenade Cats - ...

Joyeux Noël - Father Christmas Caught In The Snow

 Joyeux Noël ...

The Cat's Circus

 The Cat's Ci...

Sketch for Schoolroom

 Sketch for School...

I've Caught You At Last!

 I've Caught ...

Our Love With Kittens

 Our Love With Kit...

Uncle's Party and After - Uncle Quite Happy!

 Uncle's Part...

Uncle's Party and After - Uncle Takes His Revenge

 Uncle's Part...

Uncle's Party and After - The Plum Pudding with Uncle

 Uncle's Part...

Uncle's Party and After - Going to a Party Given by Uncle

 Uncle's Part...

Uncle's Party and After

 Uncle's Part...

The Glory of Empire on Toast

 The Glory of Empi...

Preparing for the Jubilee

 Preparing for the...

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