


Cats of Barber

 Cats of Barber

This Is The Studio Tom Built, For Stuffing All Manner of Birds

 This Is The Studi...

Cats at the Offices of The Illustrated London

 Cats at the Offic...

Two White Kittens After Drinking Milk

 Two White Kittens...



Inside Passengers (Mr. Rolf Took Lots of Room and Spread Out the Latest Copy of "The Catty News" Quite Freely)

 Inside Passengers...

A Merry Xmas

 A Merry Xmas

Thirteen Kittens

 Thirteen Kittens

A Christmas Catastrophe - Please, Sir, the Rat Entree has Escaped and Eaten the Turkey

 A Christmas Catas...

What! No Mittens?

 What! No Mittens?

I Hear a Mouse Close By, To Catch Him Let Us Try

 I Hear a Mouse Cl...

Two Cats and a White Terrier

 Two Cats and a Wh...

In the Wrong Class

 In the Wrong Class

The Happy Family at the Crystal Palace

 The Happy Family ...

The Bust Fluffkin Family - Spring Cleaning

 The Bust Fluffkin...

Pussy's Nightmare

 Pussy's Nigh...

My Noble Kinsman

 My Noble Kinsman

At the Play, an Exciting Moment

 At the Play, an E...

Six Cats Making Mischief

 Six Cats Making M...

Kattungar på Schackspel

 Kattungar på...

Do You Love Me For Myself Alone?

 Do You Love Me Fo...



I Can’t Think Why Mother Makes Me Wash My Face Every Day. It Isn’t a Bit of Good, It Always Get’s Dirty Again

 I Can’t Thi...

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