
He Loved to Watch the Swans Which Sailed Down the Little River

 He Loved to Watch...

Til the Cows Come Home

 Til the Cows Come...

He Walked Out and Watched the Hares

 He Walked Out and...

Mr. Crow and the Puppies

 Mr. Crow and the ...

Mr. Crow and the Puppies

 Mr. Crow and the ...

Is A Friend Indeed — Saved! — I'll Do As Much for You Another Day

 Is A Friend Indee...

A Hunting Mishap

 A Hunting Mishap

A Friendly Call

 A Friendly Call

Hold On, Bully!

 Hold On, Bully!









I Had Lost My Cat

 I Had Lost My Cat

A Victim to His Own Indiscretion

 A Victim to His O...

Never A Day Passed But King Arthur Took His Name in Vain

 Never A Day Passe...

Melanthe Calmly Seized Him With Her Teeth By His Belt, Lifted Him Up, Shook Him

 Melanthe Calmly S...

If Asked to Take a Ditch She Would Blunder Through It By Choice

 If Asked to Take ...



Jim and Bogles on an Expedition

 Jim and Bogles on...

Jimmy Charged the Enemy, and Bit Her in the Hind Leg

 Jimmy Charged the...

The Plucky Little Fellow

 The Plucky Little...

Successfully Interviewed Both Fox and Badger

 Successfully Inte...

Attacked Bigger Game in the Form of a Large Stoat

 Attacked Bigger G...

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