
Seventh Life: From One Tile To Another - Saved

 Seventh Life: Fro...

A Domestic Trouble

 A Domestic Trouble

In The Alhambra, Spain - The Home of the Cats

 In The Alhambra, ...

Cats Home at Battersea

 Cats Home at Batt...

A Sad Dog's Day (Wicked Sport - Return in Penitence)

 A Sad Dog's ...

Sketches at the Waterloo Coursing Meeting, Altcar, near Liverpool

 Sketches at the W...

Sketches at the Cat Show, Crystal Palace

 Sketches at the C...

Sketches at Chalfont St Giles, Buckinghamshire, with Milton's Cottage

 Sketches at Chalf...

Sir Charles Warren, Chief Commissioner of Metropolitan Police, trying Bloodhounds in Hyde Park

 Sir Charles Warre...

Performing Animals at the World's Fair, Islington

 Performing Animal...

Do Not Forget Your Cats!

 Do Not Forget You...

Christmas Dinner in a Country Show

 Christmas Dinner ...

Cat Show at the Crystal Palace

 Cat Show at the C...

Boots at the Swan; or, Nothing like Leather

 Boots at the Swan...

A Wet Landing

 A Wet Landing

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