
Being at the Seaside, They Try To Earn a Little Money by Entertaining Visitors

 Being at the Seas...





He: I Went To The Zoo Yesterday - She: My Word! I Went There Too Looking For You. Which Cage Were You In

 He: I Went To The...

The Socialist's Idea of a Rise in the World

 The Socialist...

Man And His Master - She: 'What an Awfully Pretty Girl!' He: 'As in a Looking Glass, Eh'

 Man And His Maste...

Those With Feelings Wondrous Kind Our Love With Felines Ever Bind

 Those With Feelin...

Careful With The Saw

 Careful With The Saw

Nursery Land Pictures

 Nursery Land Pict...

The Cats' "Belle Of New York"

 The Cats' &q...

Letter from Claire Wain

 Letter from Clair...

The Cats at Home

 The Cats at Home

Cat Show at the Crystal Palace

 Cat Show at the C...



She: Rather Nice, Don’t You Think? He: You Win!

 She: Rather Nice,...

The Snooker Player

 The Snooker Player

Wee Willie Winkie

 Wee Willie Winkie

Santa Claus - Presents of Clothes to the Children

 Santa Claus - Pre...

Alladin Dress-Up

 Alladin Dress-Up

Drury Lane

 Drury Lane

A Pair of Cats

 A Pair of Cats

The Plaintiff

 The Plaintiff

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