
Be My Valentine - Love me Little, Love Me Long, is the Burden of my Song

 Be My Valentine -...

A Kiss for my Valentine

 A Kiss for my Val...

A Cat with Her Kittens

 A Cat with Her Ki...

Flowers for The Duchess

 Flowers for The D...

A Milk Dish for You

 A Milk Dish for You

When This Meets your Eye

 When This Meets y...

It Seems a Long Time

 It Seems a Long Time

Don't Worry

 Don't Worry

It Was Quite Pleasant

 It Was Quite Plea...

I am Quite Prepared

 I am Quite Prepared

Cinderella Dress-Up

 Cinderella Dress-Up

An Amateur Reciter

 An Amateur Reciter

Dick Whittington Dress-Up

 Dick Whittington ...

Beauty and The Beast Dress-Up

 Beauty and The Be...

Alladin Dress-Up

 Alladin Dress-Up

You Will be Loved by Everybody

 You Will be Loved...

East West - Home's Best

 East West - Home&...

The Introduction

 The Introduction

The Duet

 The Duet

The Dreamland Mascot

 The Dreamland Mascot

The Twin Mascots

 The Twin Mascots

The Novel Reader

 The Novel Reader

The Favorite

 The Favorite

We Are A Merry Family! We Are, We Are, We Are!

 We Are A Merry Fa...

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